Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hello again! Sorry for the silence...deadlines have held me captive the last few days. BUT I can't wait to tell you about a strange romance that has developed between two of my dogs. Lizzie, my non-descript wire-haired terrier mix (see pix) is everydog's favorite sweetheart. Not a real "looker", she makes up for her ruff appearance with her perpetually playful demeanor and fun-loving spirit. I call her my "Type O blood" dog, universally compatible with everyone! She is understandably lovable.

Enter Copper, my 8 month old Irish Setter who is swashbucklingly handsome, albeit boney for his adolescent age. He is in love...with older woman. This would be a match made in Heaven, given both of their love of running and chasing, BUT Copper is clueless about when to quit. Our adventure trip typically starts off with Lizzie dancing around until Copper's heart is captured by her string-bikini smile and seductive call to play. Off they go, running full speed up hill and dale, with Lizzie surprisingly in the lead despite the fact that her legs are half as long as her would-be-beau's. Inevitably Copper's obsession to catch Lizzie evokes an impassioned yelp that becomes synchronized with his gangly stride. "Yip, Yip, Yip." It's a pathetic cry that strips him of his masculinity, and I'm sure of Lizzie's attraction to him! His intense neediness is a turnoff. (Life Lesson # 1: Stay cool, maintain your dignity despite raging hormones or attraction. Don't lose "hand," in this case "paw," or you'll have to kiss it all goodbye!)

Then, to make matters worse, Copper won't let up. Lizzie wants a little of her own life, freedom to sniff down a scent or dance with the other dogs, and Copper invades her space with his demands for attention. Being a sweet spirit, Lizzie tries to humor him with a gentle nudge, but he is pushing for another romp in the grass (literally). She shows a little teeth to get her point across, but Copper misinterprets it as even more of an invitation to cavort. I finally have to intervene by leashing Copper for a short time-out to break his fixation on poor Lizzie. Her relieved expression tells me I'm definitely reading this right, a woman to woman (kinda) sigh of, "This guy just doesn't get it!" (Life Lesson # 2: Get a clue! She's not that into you! Read the signals for what they are!)

I have to laugh at Copper's passion... probably born of his Irish blood and red hair! It dawned on me who he reminds me of... Pepe LePew. Remember him? The cartoon, ultra-romantic french skunk whose affections for a little black and white female cat were totally intrusive and downright stinky! I will have to sit Copper down for a "Pepe LePew learn some self-respect" session. Leash up his adolescent hormones and control the crush!

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